Emergency Treatments
Proudly serving Rogers and Northwest Arkansas

At Crabtree Pediatric Dentistry, we understand how stressful dental emergencies can be. We are trained and fully equipped to provide children in Rogers, AK, and the surrounding areas with emergency dental services. You can count on our dedicated team for outstanding, gentle care!
Is It a Dental Emergency?
If you're wondering whether your child is experiencing a dental emergency, consider the following questions:
- Is there a knocked-out baby or permanent tooth?
- Is a tooth pushed out of position?
- Is there a broken, chipped, or fractured tooth?
- Is there injury to the tongue, lips, or cheeks?
If your child experiences any of the above, it's advisable to contact your trusted team at Crabtree Pediatric Dentistry right away. We are happy to provide same-day appointments to address urgent needs. If an emergency occurs after hours, please call our emergency number to speak with our emergency dentist.
Please call 911 if your child has a life-threatening emergency.
What Are Common Dental Emergencies?
Here's a look at some of the most common dental emergencies and things you can do to help:
Knocked-Out Permanent Tooth: If possible, find the tooth and pick it up by the crown, not by the root. Rinse it gently with water only. DO NOT scrub the tooth or clean it with soap or toothpaste. If the tooth is sound and has no fractures, try to reinsert it in the socket and have your child hold it in place by biting on a gauze or clean cloth. If you cannot reinsert the tooth, transport it in a cup containing milk, or if your child is old enough, place it in their mouth beside the cheek. Contact us for an emergency appointment immediately! Time is a critical factor in saving the tooth.
Knocked-Out Baby Tooth: Unlike a permanent tooth, a baby tooth should not be reimplanted because that may potentially harm the developing permanent teeth. In most cases, no additional treatment is necessary.
Dislodged Permanent Tooth: Trauma can result in a tooth being dislodged or pushed out of place. It may become intruded or pushed up into the gum, appearing shorter than the adjacent teeth, or may be extruded or pushed further out of the gum, appearing longer than the adjacent teeth. In some cases, a tooth is luxated, meaning it is pushed back into the mouth or forward toward the lips. Depending on the position of the dislodged tooth, we may need to stabilize it and reposition it. Make sure to contact us for an appointment right away.
Dislodged Baby Tooth: Dislodged baby teeth usually heal on their own. If, however, a tooth is too loose or severely dislodged, we may need to remove it.
Broken, Chipped, or Fractured Tooth: Rinse with warm water and apply a cold compress to the area. Try to locate and save any tooth fragments and place them in a container with milk. Contact our dental office right away.
Lip or Tongue Injury: Clean the area with water, place gentle pressure to stop any bleeding, and contact our office immediately. If there's heavy, uncontrolled bleeding, please take your child to the nearest emergency room.
How Can You Avoid Dental Emergencies?
Encourage daily brushing and flossing to keep dental disease at bay. If your child plays sports, a custom mouthguard called a sports guard will help prevent injury to the teeth and soft tissues.
Make sure to visit Crabtree Pediatric Dentistry for your child's routine dental exams and cleanings. We will provide preventive services and treat any problems as they develop, so they don't progress and require emergency dental care.
Emergency Dental Treatment Near Me
If your child ever experiences a dental emergency, your trusted team at Crabtree Pediatric Dentistry in Rogers, AR, is here to help. We strive to provide the best quality care for our valued young patients! Please keep our number on hand and contact us if your child requires emergency dental services!
Proudly serving the Northwest Arkansas area.
Request Your Child's Appointment Today!
At Crabtree Pediatric Dentistry, we make it easy to schedule your child's appointment. Follow the link to request an appointment time that works for your busy schedule.